Wednesday, May 6, 2009
4 years and finished....
Exams are around the corner, well more like just on the doorstop really, and I'm not being terribly successful when it comes to study... Wishing everyone luck in their study and with the exams. 4 years.... finished...
When we were in 1st Year and worry free...
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Snake what happened?? SNNNAAAAKKKKEEEE!!!!
So i'm over half way past the report... i think... its standing at a very respectable 6500 words... give or take.
I have most of my footage shot for gaming, my script is also written. Now I just have to record some of the actual voice overs and as a little treat i decided to upload a video that might bring back memories from the 90's! Enjoy!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
i've just wasted the last hour and a half trying to find a googlewhack... its a sorry state of affairs...
For those of you who are slightly confused about what the hell a googlewhack is here it is:
A Googlewhack is a Google search query consisting of two words–both of which must be in Google’s dictionary, and without quotation marks–that returns a single result.
A successful Googlewhack returns ‘Results 1-1 of 1′. Googlewhacking is the pastime of seeking such a result. A person attempting to find a Googlewhack is known as a Googlewhacker.
Sounds like a fun online game don’t you think? Trying to find a pair of words which, when typed into Google, return exactly one web page.
Well it isn't because I just wasted all my time this morning and i still didn't find one...
damn it
FLASH!! AHHH AHHH!!! King of the Impossible! dun dun dun dun.
Its finally finished. Flash is complete. Thank god. So far i have most of my coding done, my flash done and my script finished. So i have to work out my video shooting and editing which should be done by this time next week.
This is the last stretch of the course and its really just a matter of putting the head down and getting it done. wish me luck!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Final stretch - EASTER!!
i'm sure i'll be flying it but its the idea more so than actually doing it that scares me!
So the plan for the next 2 weeks is:
- Finish Flash
- Report
- Videos
- CGI Assignment
- Java Assignment
- Study ( if i get some time to do so)
- Eat lots of chocolate come sunday since i've been off it for lent... sometimes i amaze myself with all that i sacrife. >insert sarcastic laugh right........ HERE<
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Regarding the report!
So, as well as working in dreamweaver, I have started my report. I am trying to get a rough draft done for around thursday or friday so i can show my supervisors and they can let me know if i'm on the right track. I just finished chapter 2 (which was much longer than I anticpated.)
Kind of dreading starting the 3rd chapter but I'm going to finish my dreamweaver files before i go on! Just keeping you up dated!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Here are the 'user' buttons. they will be in the picture frames on the wall of my room.
The colour ones are how they will look once rolled over.
the black and white ones are how they will look any other time!
Anyway thats it for now!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Finalising Designs and starting the report
Ok so here is the new web layout i designed. The photoframes are buttons to Login, Register, Quiz, Polls, Forums, Contact us, About us and Links.
The frames will be in black and white and when you roll over them, colour will bleed into it.
Also getting a start on my project report so that i can hand up a rough draft before easter to be proofed by one of my lecturers.
Its the final few weeks to the end of my college career so i have to put the head down and get everything done! pressures on!
Also this post is the big 50! wonder if i'll make it to 100??
Friday, March 20, 2009
Pleasing the powers that be and realising that its nearly D-Day....
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Old style film countdown
Monday, March 9, 2009
new design, new ideas... new... shoes...?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Coding and the likes!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Illustrations and illness
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
sickly sickness and the such
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
RSS feeds and Pancake tuesday
Thursday, February 19, 2009
What happens next?
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
It's a lesson i just have to learn....
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Home page flash... more than meets the eye?
FLASH!!! AHH AHHH!!! Saviour of the universe!
I think(since i've been avoiding it) i should talk about my documentaries. To be honest they are not going the best but i'm going to use all of MARCH to do them. (this will also entice me to get of my bum and finish the site by then!) I have some footage taken already but i'll give you a brief run-down of the various documentaries.
Books and Television:These are the ones i'm the most worried about since they both have a huge history(especially books.) but i'm sure i'll be ok!
Gaming: This is the one i'm the least worried about simply because i have a contact that has every single console since the nes (except the sega mega drive cause he can't find one and the xbox series cause he's such a playstation fan boy) So i'm pretty sorted for that.
Music: I have a fair bit of footage taken of live bands and i plan to take footage of a busker on the street. i also plan on taking footage of my mates playing guitar hero world tour to explain how techology and music has evolved to such an extent that you don't even need talent to feel like a musician!
Film: this is another one i'm kinda worried about but i have a few tricks up my sleeve.
Radio: This one is also one i'm not TOO worried about. i know loads of people who have old radios and record players so i can get some footage of those and i have a fairly recent radio (an alarm clock radio that plays your iPod) so that will go well i hope!
So i know i've had some set backs but i'm still confident in my project none-the-less!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Dreamweaver?? you mean nightmare-weaver!!
Friday, January 30, 2009
designs and coding
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Navigational Dock
Monday, January 19, 2009
Modern vs. Antique - Gladiators! Fffiggghhtt!!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Design and documentaries
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
out of the fire and into the frying pan!
ok! so first off 'happy new year!' the title of my post will have more to do with my 'lord of the rings' marathon which i did on new years day, rather than coming back to college... although it does kinda apply to it!! LOL