Thursday, April 9, 2009


i've just wasted the last hour and a half trying to find a googlewhack... its a sorry state of affairs...

For those of you who are slightly confused about what the hell a googlewhack is here it is:

A Googlewhack is a Google search query consisting of two words–both of which must be in Google’s dictionary, and without quotation marks–that returns a single result. 

A successful Googlewhack returns ‘Results 1-1 of 1′. Googlewhacking is the pastime of seeking such a result. A person attempting to find a Googlewhack is known as a Googlewhacker.

Sounds like a fun online game don’t you think? Trying to find a pair of words which, when typed into Google, return exactly one web page.  

Well it isn't because I just wasted all my time this morning and i still didn't find one...

damn it

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