Wednesday, October 22, 2008

OK, so I've been very bad about updating my blog. My Internet connection is really crappy and my digital camera wouldn't connect to my mac... so I'm going to finally upload some photos from Cliffs of Moher.

Anyway. I've been doing research into my project. I'm finding that what I'm doing (I'm not going to say has NEVER been done before) but in the context I'm doing it, I can't seem to find anything similar to it. The closest I found was a German video (which I'll post on my blog) called 'The Evolution of Entertainment' that was more so about culture and generations etc. and some music... not really what I'm going for but interesting all the same. 

The Cliffs of Moher was quite interesting and I found some nice designs there. Its very well laid out and the interactivity was very well done. I particularly like the on the edge experience. I have some photos I'll upload from the trip. 

Also been researching the history of T.V and Film (Camera Obscura is noted in some information which is lucky because i'm heading to Edinburgh soon!)

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