Wednesday, May 6, 2009

4 years and finished....

Its fitting that the 60th post will most likely be my last one. Just to keep everyone up to date, the fyp is handed it up, the presentation is done... 9 months of working hard and i still can't relax properly, feeling as if there is something i need to do on the fyp... Crazy but its a routine that has built over the past 9 months and it just suddenly stops... hard to get out of it to be honest.

Exams are around the corner, well more like just on the doorstop really, and I'm not being terribly successful when it comes to study... Wishing everyone luck in their study and with the exams. 4 years.... finished...

When we were in 1st Year and worry free...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

RIP - Report.

The report is finally finished and printed...



Thursday, April 16, 2009

Snake what happened?? SNNNAAAAKKKKEEEE!!!!

So i'm over half way past the report... i think... its standing at a very respectable 6500 words... give or take.

I have most of my footage shot for gaming, my script is also written. Now I just have to record some of the actual voice overs and as a little treat i decided to upload a video that might bring back memories from the 90's! Enjoy!!!