Did my presentation (which went ok... not too good but you know... not bad either...) Happy enough with the amount of coding that i have got done, but i knew my self that there was something wrong with my design so i came up with this!
Ok so here is the rough new interface. i'll give a quick explanation of the design.
Light switch: Coming to the site the room will be in darkness, the light switch works as an enter site button.
Television: All the information and video based on the television can be access through selecting this button.
Projector screen: All the information and video based on film can be accessed through selecting this button.
Laptop: all the information and video based on games can be accessed through selecting this button.
Telephone: Contact us page.
the picture frames on the wall with the (really badly draw) pictures are everything the user can do. - login, register, vote on poll, quiz, news and forums. each colour in the picture will represent the colour of the page on selected topic.
the chair in the corner: Feeling lazy huh? Then this will be almost like a sitemap. if you don't fancy going through each button to find what you're looking for then select on this chair and it will tell you exactly where to go!
The image isn't complete yet but its looking really positive. All the buttons will be animated in flash aswell but i can't put flash up on my blog so you'll just have to trust me when i say i know what i'm talking about!
was told to cut back on the amount of documentaries i was doing from 6 to 3 so that is why TV, Film and Gaming are the only topics in this design.
Also i didn't get new shoes but it just seemed to fit in the header!!