I've been doing flash recently so i havent' really updated my blog cause i can't upload flash onto it!! Anyway its going well so far. I've also be playing around with dreamweaver so its just a matter of merging them together to make sure its all working together.
I think(since i've been avoiding it) i should talk about my documentaries. To be honest they are not going the best but i'm going to use all of MARCH to do them. (this will also entice me to get of my bum and finish the site by then!) I have some footage taken already but i'll give you a brief run-down of the various documentaries.
Books and Television:These are the ones i'm the most worried about since they both have a huge history(especially books.) but i'm sure i'll be ok!
Gaming: This is the one i'm the least worried about simply because i have a contact that has every single console since the nes (except the sega mega drive cause he can't find one and the xbox series cause he's such a playstation fan boy) So i'm pretty sorted for that.
Music: I have a fair bit of footage taken of live bands and i plan to take footage of a busker on the street. i also plan on taking footage of my mates playing guitar hero world tour to explain how techology and music has evolved to such an extent that you don't even need talent to feel like a musician!
Film: this is another one i'm kinda worried about but i have a few tricks up my sleeve.
Radio: This one is also one i'm not TOO worried about. i know loads of people who have old radios and record players so i can get some footage of those and i have a fairly recent radio (an alarm clock radio that plays your iPod) so that will go well i hope!
So i know i've had some set backs but i'm still confident in my project none-the-less!